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We Partner With the Best

Content Partners

Strategic & Technology Partners

Partnership Opportunities

Professional Organizations

PEPID works closely with professional and student organizations to build mutually beneficial relationships that extend the reach of PEPID clinical decision support suites, and enhance membership benefits and participation for our partner organizations.

Resellers and Distributors

PEPID partners with various resellers and distributors around the world to provide advantages for those who are interested in purchasing or reselling in bulk.

Technology Partners

Allow PEPID’s award-winning team of software developers integrate our referential content for customized delivery into their application. An innovator in the mobile industry since 1994, you can leverage our technology and resources to make your content available on any smartphone, mobile device or computer.

Professional Organizations

Customized Programs:

We create customized programs that best meet the needs of our partners. We offer the following features and benefits:

Preferred pricing on PEPID clinical decision support suites.

Customized webpage and URL specifically designed for you.

Joint marketing campaigns that strengthen membership benefits and partnership participation.

Profit sharing opportunities that provide revenue for our preferred partners

Resellers and Distributors


Wholesale discounts for bookstores or businesses looking to add PEPID to their available offerings

Sell PEPID directly from your reseller website to eliminate the need to send your customers away from your site — we provide back-end programming tools

Businesses can profit share or royalties based on bulk sales

Technology Partners

Integrate Our Content

An established provider of clinical decision support to individual healthcare professionals, PEPID also supports business and companies looking to integrate our referential content for customized delivery into their application to add value.

Make Your Content Mobile

Looking to take your content mobile but don’t have the development resources? Allow PEPID’s award-winning team of software developers to do it for you. An innovator in the mobile industry since 1994, you can leverage our technology and resources to make your content available on any smartphone or mobile device.

Easily integrate clinical and drug content into your application

We continuously update our information, so you don’t have to worry about database maintenance

Customized delivery allows you to use your current user interface

Take your content or reference material mobile without employing a team of software developers


Get your content to market faster